Farukkhabad/Fatehpur: Union Minister Salman Khurshid on Saturday said Congress could consider extending support to the Third front or taking its help, if necessary to form the government at the Centre after Lok Sabha polls. He claimed that Narendra Modi was going to emerge as a "big problem" for BJP and referring to Ram temple movement, said that when "Bhagwan ki lehar" (God's wave) could not stop Congress, then how can "Modi wave" stop it.
Speaking to reporters at his native village Pitauram, the senior Congress leader said there seemed to be no possibility of BJP forming the government at the Centre.
"After poll results, if necessary Congress could consider extending support even to the Third Front to form the government. Not only this, taking support from the Third Front could be considered," he said.
He said that Modi had said in Varanasi that 'Maa Ganga' has called him.
Khurshid said that Modi went to pay floral tributes to great personalities, but did not go for "darshan" and "pujan" (prayer service) of holy river Ganges.
Taking a jibe at Modi during an election rally in Fatehpur, Khurshid said that when as the Chief Minister of Gujarat he could not protect a train in Godhra, how was he going to protect the country.
He said that Congress was in favour of giving 33 per cent reservation to women in Lok Sabha and state Assemblies, but several political parties were creating hurdle in it.
The minister claimed that in reality these political parties pretend to talk about uplift of women.
He said that after Lok Sabha elections when a new government is formed, new foreign policy will be formulated.
Speaking to reporters at his native village Pitauram, the senior Congress leader said there seemed to be no possibility of BJP forming the government at the Centre.
"After poll results, if necessary Congress could consider extending support even to the Third Front to form the government. Not only this, taking support from the Third Front could be considered," he said.
He said that Modi had said in Varanasi that 'Maa Ganga' has called him.
Khurshid said that Modi went to pay floral tributes to great personalities, but did not go for "darshan" and "pujan" (prayer service) of holy river Ganges.
Taking a jibe at Modi during an election rally in Fatehpur, Khurshid said that when as the Chief Minister of Gujarat he could not protect a train in Godhra, how was he going to protect the country.
He said that Congress was in favour of giving 33 per cent reservation to women in Lok Sabha and state Assemblies, but several political parties were creating hurdle in it.
The minister claimed that in reality these political parties pretend to talk about uplift of women.
He said that after Lok Sabha elections when a new government is formed, new foreign policy will be formulated.
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